0904 403 222 info@abertal.sk

Ako prebieha predaj s nami?


Spoznáme sa

Považujeme za dôležité rozumieť Vašim potrebám. Prediskutujeme Vaše fakty, predstavy, možnosti, či očakávania. Vysvetlíme, ako pracujeme a prečo nám záleží na dlhodobom, dobrom vzťahu.


Vypracujeme návrh s dôrazom na lokalitu

Pripravíme ponuku, kde využívame tzv. home staging pre nafotenie a texty, ktoré informujú o lokalite. Pretože u nás v Abertal veríme, že lokalita nadlho ovplyvňuje náš život.


Marketingová stratégia

Pripravenú nehnuteľnosť predstavíme trhu, podľa špecifík danej nehnuteľnosti a cieľovej skupiny. Využívame online reklamu, sociálne siete, osobné kontakty, letáky, billboardy a iné.


Zabezpečíme obhliadky a predáme

Záujemcom zabezpečíme obhliadku a poskytneme všetky informácie o nehnuteľnosti aj o lokalite.


Pripravíme zmluvy

Príprava zmlúv je náročný úkon, ktorý zabezpečuje náš právnik so zameraním na nehnuteľnosti. Po odsúhlasení oboch strán zabezpečíme notára k podpisu zmluvy.


Odovzdávanie či preberanie nehnuteľnosti je pre nás dôležitým momentom

Čerešničkou na torte je pre nás odovzdávanie a preberanie bytu. Vieme, že takáto udalosť je významným momentom vo Vašom živote. Preto si dávame záležať, aby to zostalo pre Vás príjemným zážitkom.


Vybavíme za Vás papierovačky

Vybavíme za Vás všetku byrokraciu počas celého procesu predaja nehnuteľnosti, pretože si vážime Váš čas a sme Váš osobný realitný maklér.

Ponúknite nám

Consent to the processing of personal data

The person concerned in conformity with the relevant obligations of the Act No. 18/2018 Z.z. on the protection of personal data as amended (hereinafter „ZoOOÚ“) ensures that the personal data filled in the contact form are accurate and up-to-date. The person concerned hereby authorises the Provider with his own free, explicit and unconditional consent to process his/her personal data to the extent of name, surname, phone number, e-mail address as means to contact the person concerned as a candidate for cooperation, in the „clients“ information system of the provider within the period of 180 days since the authorisation. The person concerned has the right to withdraw his/her consent with personal data processing in the same manner as the consent was given. Consent withdrawal has no impact on the the lawful processing of personal data based on the consent given before its withdrawal. The rights of the person concerned are set in particular by §§ 19 – 30 ZoOOÚ. The rights and obligations of the broker as a provider are in particular set by §§ 31 – 46 ZoOOÚ. The person concerned confirms that the broker has fulfilled its reporting obligations in accordance with ZoOOÚ. The person concerned takes note that his personal data is processed in accordance with ZoOOÚ due to appropriate technological, organizational and personal regulations in particular concerning applicable technological specifications, confidentiality and importance of personal data as well as the possible risks liable to distort safety or functionality of the information systems. The provider is obliged to process and handle personal data of the person concerned in accordance with the legislation in force.

Consent to the processing of personal data

The person concerned in conformity with the relevant obligations of the Act No. 18/2018 Z.z. on the protection of personal data as amended (hereinafter „ZoOOÚ“) ensures that the personal data filled in the contact form are accurate and up-to-date. The person concerned hereby authorises the Provider with his own free, explicit and unconditional consent to process his/her personal data to the extent of name, surname, phone number, e-mail address as means to contact the person concerned as a candidate for cooperation, in the „clients“ information system of the provider within the period of 180 days since the authorisation. The person concerned has the right to withdraw his/her consent with personal data processing in the same manner as the consent was given. Consent withdrawal has no impact on the the lawful processing of personal data based on the consent given before its withdrawal. The rights of the person concerned are set in particular by §§ 19 – 30 ZoOOÚ. The rights and obligations of the broker as a provider are in particular set by §§ 31 – 46 ZoOOÚ. The person concerned confirms that the broker has fulfilled its reporting obligations in accordance with ZoOOÚ. The person concerned takes note that his personal data is processed in accordance with ZoOOÚ due to appropriate technological, organizational and personal regulations in particular concerning applicable technological specifications, confidentiality and importance of personal data as well as the possible risks liable to distort safety or functionality of the information systems. The provider is obliged to process and handle personal data of the person concerned in accordance with the legislation in force.